Featured Friday Morning Music Shuffle – Not Alanis’ Fault Mix

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Well, guess what? I’ll tell you what, we have reached the end of this weird week… and that means it is time for the ever popular* feature here at E2TG, Featured Friday.  Where we cut out all the classic, obscure prior year tracks from our playlist and just spin songs of a more recent vintage.  These are either tracks that were submitted to me or just newer music that I wanted to feature. 

Let’s get right into the shuffle which takes some interesting twists and turns….

“Conversation at the Wedding” by Jon Latham

It’s been a pretty heavy week for me – filled with feelings and stuff…  so, what do I get to start of the final shuffle of the work week?  Jon Latham singing his song about sitting through a wedding that you would rather be standing through…  Catapulted by his being named Ear to the Ground Artist of the Year for 2015, Latham has been getting lots and lots of attention from some pretty important people.  Truth be told, I am joking about his having been catapulted by the award I gave him.  The success he is experiencing is a direct result of many factors including his ability to write songs like this one.  The song features a lilting, uncomplicated melody and a crystal clarity in the lyrics.  It conveys devastating heartbreak with engaging references that flow easily and do not distract from the tone or the mood of the song. From Real Bad News

“From A Small Farm in Eastern Australia Comes the Oldest Patch of Earth” by Smokey the Firebear

It is still my understanding that Ohm Atlanta is due out very soon.. In the meantime, there are some new singles and other stuff at the Smokey the Firebear Bandcamp Page.  This track with a long title was included on the pre-mastered version of Ohm Atlanta which was available for a time at Bandcamp, but was pulled to prepare for the release of the final version.  I am not in the know to say that this will for sure be on the final version.  Stay tuned to find out.  In the meantime, this is a lovely bit of instrumental ambiance.

“Down in the Delta” by Delta Deep

So far, we’ve moved from a Jon Latham sad song, to a Smokey the Firebear experimental instrumental, so it seems only logical (to me anyway) that we would move on to a raucous bit of hard rocking blues music from a new band that features members of Def Leppard, Stone Temple Pilots, plus an outstanding blues vocalist.  The self-titled debut album is out now.

“Back of Yr Mind” by Bosveld

Veldbrand is an amazing album.  Bosveld is an octet (with guests) that features Thean from Velodrones. They are from Ottawa. You know, this shuffle may seem schizophrenic to some people, but it actually does make sense to me.

“Dawn” by Paul Zografi

After beginning with a Nashville singer-songwriter and then flying off to Connecticut, down to the deep delta, and up to north of the border, we return to close to my home with another track from Brevity Lane – the latest release from Paul Zografi.

“When Country Singers Were Ugly” by Tommy Womack

One of my favorite song titles.  I was fortunate enough to see Tommy Womack in the round Saturday with David Olney, Peter Cooper, and Chris Gantry.  Namaste is not due out until the spring, but stay tuned because you are not going to want to miss it.

“Immigrant” by Kevin Gordon

Long Gone Time  was one of my favorite albums of 2015.  I am so happy that I got the opportunity to write a review of the album and write a review of the CD Release show at City Winery. We still have several tracks from the album to feature in shuffles, which makes me happy because I am no where near tired of hearing these great songs.

“Art of Wire” by Calming River

So, after having three great Nashville-based songwriters in a row, it makes perfect sense, that we should close out the shuffle with a beautiful song from a songwriter from the Denmark and the UK.  This track comes from a four song EP called The Ones We Left Behind.


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