E2TG Goes Couchin’ Part I

Well, it’s mid-March, and I’m where any self-respecting music blogger would be at this time of year…. at home.  That’s right.  I’m not in the capital city of Texas – I’m in the capital city of Tennessee.  The first warm days of late winter – followed closely by the last few cold days of late winter means it’s that time… time to gather my snacks and dial up (or click over to) Couch by Couchwest.  “Where the beer is cheap and the only hipster is you.”  Seriously folks, if you are a music fan and you’ve never stuck your toes into the muddy water of the best damn on-line festival in  the whole world, then you have not idea what you are missing.  So, I’m a fixin’ to tell you.

Couch by Couchwest 2013 is about 1/3 of the way complete… whoa… only 1/3… and already they have presented way to much music for me to adequately summarize in a short space.  So here are some highlights…

Bands we Already Know

The Connecticut youngsters are up with a new song called Way Up High.

Our friends from Austin go all retro and cool with a version of their song Ain’t the Madonna…  the drummer plays his breakfast – very well, too.

Good to see our friend Ed Toft better known as Tipi Valley joining in the CXCW fun.  He’s up with a song from his forthcoming album called You Know.

Cupla from Vancouver are not only an amazingly talented band, but they are awesome human beings.  With their song, My Stand, they are at the forefront of the anti-bullying campaign – a cause near and dear to my heart.  They return to CXCW with a plugged in set of music.

Next up Bands we are just now getting to know… and there are still 4 more days of music!

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