Wednesday Morning Music Shuffle – All Rise Mix

I was out of the office, so today’s shuffle comes from yesterday’s drive home.  and I have to make it quick.

Very quick…  JUMP NOW

We have some great songs in the mix today,and I wish I had more time to spend telling you about them.  Give a listen to the Video Playlist and check out our weekly Amazon Store.  Just a friendly note/reminder, if you order anything from Amazon through our Store, we get a percentage of the sale.  So if you need a million dollar home and if Amazon sells it, go through our store, please.

Today we have in semi-no particular order….  A song from The Blind Owl Band from New York, Another great tune from Kalpa by Valued  Customer from Toronto or something….  A couple from Beastie Boys off of Licensed to Ill, a song by the awesome Two Cow Garage, a Killing Kuddles songs, one by Marla Mase, Two by Tim Lee 3, a classic by True Believers, Dead Pop Stars Society, One from a UK band called False-Heads, one from Katey Laurel, a great song from Nashville band Clemency, one from Susan James, and a classic from The Box Tops.

Use the Widgets Below to get featured music from Valued Customer, False-Heads, and Dead Pop Stars Society