Wednesday Morning Music Shuffle – Girl in Me Mix

ICYMI – be sure to read my review of Deena’s album Rock River.   

Today’s shuffle could have been subtitled “My Ever Changing Shuffle”… just saying

“Moontana” by Darrin Bradbury from A Car Becomes a House

Expect a real deal new album from Darrin Bradbury in 2015.  In the meantime, he recently released a new collection of demos including this place-name dropping song.  The collection also includes the crowd-pleasing hit song, “Junkie Love”.

“Whatever Happened to the Girl in Me” by Ike Reilly from Am I Still the One for You?/Sparkle in the Finish

From the 2004 album by The Ike Reilly Assassination…  another great song. 

“Zombies in Disneyland” (Original Album Version) by Doctor and the Crippens from Raphanadosis

A cheerful 80s British Punk Rock number that apparently has flown under the radar of the lawyers for Walt and Co…. I hope this exposure doesn’t change that… (*read last statement with a note of sarcasm – okay?).  Anyway, this song pre-dates the current Zombie phenomenon by about a quarter of a century.

“That’s No Way” by Sidestreet Reny and Lil’ bell from Holler

Holler is a great tribute to North Mississippi Blues.  This is a cover of a Robert Wilkins song.  Wilkins was from Hernando, Mississippi and was a contemporary of Son House and Memphis Minnie in the 1920s in Memphis.

“Whiskey Man” by Heather Powell from Believe it To Life

“Now that’s some damn drinking music right there…”  A sultry number that takes me back to some smoky bar from the 1930s or 40s as recreated on the holodeck in Star Trek: The Next Generation…  okay, so I’m a nerd and my cultural references are a bit skewed… I love this song… I love what I’ve heard of her new album, too.

“Whatever Gets You By” by The Features from Old Familiar Melodies – 2008-2013/Some Kind of Salvation

A brief but catchy song…

!function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);;js.src=”//”;fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,”script”,”twitter-wjs”); “That Don’t Make it Junk” by Leonard Cohen from The Complete Studio Album Collection/Ten New Songs

The Complete Studio Album Collection from Leonard Cohen recently became available on Freegal… I have been filling in my collection ever since.

“My Ever Changing Moods” by The Style Council from The Singular Adventures of the Style Council/Café Bleu (aka My Ever Changing Moods)

For some reason, this song always makes me happy then sad then angry then mellow then…. okay bad joke, but I do love this song.

“City of Refuge” by Abigail Washburn from City of Refuge

The awesome title track from Abigail Washburn’s 2011 album which I picked up at the thrift store and have been featuring ever since. 

“Hesitate” by Judah and the Lion from Sweet Tennessee

A great Nashville band that has been getting a lot of attention.  I recently found out that Judah is the son of two people who were a year behind me at my high school. To my knowledge, I have no connection to the Lion.  The band will be supporting Mat Kearney on his Spring 2015 tour which includes a stop at the historic Ryman in Nashville, Tennessee.


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