Ear to the Ground Voter Guide – October 2012

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With just over a week to go, you may still be unsure which of our awesome Featured Artists to vote for in the Band of the Month poll.  While, we try to stay neutral on this important decision (the whole point of letting readers vote is that we are too codependent to make a decision ourselves), we do have some valuable and  not so valuable information to share which may just make your decision easier.

Reasons to vote for…

45 Spider: 1.

2.  Cleveland Rocks!
3.  This is your band if you dig turbo charged, high-energy, fun rock n’ roll.

 Bad Cop 1.  They are at the forefront of a renaissance of Nashville Rock n’ Roll that is garnering national headlines.

2.  To my knowledge, they have no official association with the ABC series Nashville.

3.  They are your band if you dig rock music with a fuzzy undertone, and because “Wet Lips” just plain Rules!

Black Jake and the Carnies: 1.  Your mom warned you about trusting the carnies, but she never said you shouldn’t listen to their music.

2.  They are from Ypsilanti, MI and play Crabgrass music. You need more?

3.  They are your band if you dig murder ballads played in a old-time string band style at a punk rock, break-neck pace.  Prepare to move your feet!

Brennen Leigh: 1. She is a true Texas songbird whose music has a timeless quality.

2.  At the Americana fest, she sang a duet with the fabulous John Scott Sherrill. 

3.  She is your artist if you dig beautiful vocals set to amazing sounding country/bluegrass sounds.

Forest Mountain Hymnal: 1.  Rebecca and Jonathan are incredible people who financed their wedding in part by busking on the streets of Nashville. 

2.  They play brilliant versions of traditional and traditional sounding folk tunes and made a record perfect for Halloween.

3.  They are your band if you dig well-grounded, earthy and organic folk music and arent’ afraid to take it to the streets.

The Foresters:  1.  Writing about them and a few other bands has finally allowed me to learn to spell Kahnettykut – wait, is that not right? Shoot!

2.  If they Rock this hard now, wait until they hit those teen angst years… 

3.  They are your band if you dig melodic, pop-punk music played with energy and heart.

Pigeon Park: 1. They are from British Columbia which is in Canada not in Central America like I thought… :-/

2.  Cause Pigeons are Bert from Sesame Street’s favorite bird.

3.  They are your band if you dig big, bluesy rock music made to fill arenas.

S3X: 1.  It’s fun hearing the words Salt Lake City and Punkcore in the same sentence.

2.  S3X… I mean come on!

3.  They are your band if you dig aggressive, fast, loud music with a melodic streak played with verve and passion.

Tim Lee 3:  1. They’ve been a part of the fantastic Couch by Couchwest Festival. 

2.  They like barbeque – pulled pork baby!

3.  They are your band if you dig wild, bluesy, rootsy southern rock n’ roll the way it was meant to be played.

Valued Customer: 1.  They are most likely the coolest, weirdest band I’ve ever heard.

2.  Patrick Power sometimes wears a tie and plays Afro-Latin Polka…?????!!!!!!

3.  They are your band if you dig experimental hip-hop with a twisted sense of humor and a sick mellow groove.

There you have it.  You are now informed so vote:

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Band of the Month Poll – September – A Voting Guide

Are you confused about your choices?  Not sure who you should support?  Torn between two lovers, feeling like a fool?  Never fear! Here at E2TG, we don’t pick the Band of the Month and we don’t tell how you should vote – we’re waaaay to codependent for that… no but we will lay it out for you in black and white… and sometimes weird font colors if we are in that kind of a mood…but I digress. Without much further ado… here is the September edition of the Ear to the Ground Band of the Month Voter’s Guide.  Just the facts, a few opinions, a couple of conjectures and at least one out right lie…

Why you should vote for…

…Alex Bennett:  If you like nifty folksy blues and/or trains. Also, if you are trying to get over that bad association you have with the name Alex from that weird kid in sixth grade.

…And the Giraffe: Cause when else are you going to be able to say to vote for a band with Giraffe in it’s name? Also, if you like your indie sounds, smooth and lovely… also Josh works or has worked at Historic Studio B where Elvis Costello recorded Almost Blue. 

…Friday Night Music Club: If you like great songs well played…also if you like Fridays, Nights, Music and/or Clubs… 

…The Great American Novel: If you like your indie pop with intelligence and fun… also if you like to read… and if Vonnegut and Morrissey together makes sense to you.

…The Grimm Generation: If you like fresh and timely music… if you can spell Connecticut… if you do or don’t like the television series Grimm…  If you can spell Generation…

…Grounded: If you’re feeling old and need some loud, snotty, non-pretty music played with energy and not a little bit of attitude… if you’ve ever been grounded… if you can spell Tallahassee.

…Korby Lenker: If you like the name Korby… if you like it even more, when it’s connected to an excellent singer-songwriter… If you know good hook when you hear it, and/or if you have an awful slice that it totally screwing up your golf game.

…Man on Earth: If you like your rock capitalized… if you don’t mind a big sound… if you live on Earth and/or are or know a Man…

…Sad Baby Wolf: If you like excellent modern, indie rock… if the image of a sad baby wolf gets you right here… if you can spell Albuquerque.

… True Mad North:  If you like killer riffs with a spacious sound… if you want to the band to come off of this hiatus if that’s what it is… If you don’t like the False Happy South.

So there you have it… now — go vote!


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April Band of the Month – Polls finally Opened

You can now vote for the Band of the Month for April 2012.  Due to my sloth busyness  whatever – we have a head to head match between the Brooklyn band – The Disappointment  and New Jersey’s own Nikki Sue & the Bad News.  Vote early and often…  To help you out –

UPDATE: New Video 

 The Disappointment:

Nikki Sue & the Bad News:

Last Chance to Vote for March Band of the Month

Just 5 hours to go.  Northbrook Garage has a significant, but not insurmountable lead so far.
<————the poll is on the left sidebar near the top of the page.
And if you come to this post specifically to vote for one band, be sure to check out all of our nominees.  One last time here they are.
A Social State
Finn Bonel