Wednesday Morning Music Shuffle – Bank Robbery Mix

So – I just received word that Those Mockingbirds will be releasing the first official single from their highly anticipated new album on October 22.  It’s called “How to Rob a Bank” and we have the cover artwork post above. The cover art was hand-drawn by Bella Agnello who happens to be the 7 year old daughter of legendary producer John Agnello who was worked with Sonic Youth, Dinosaur Jr., Kurt Vile and more.  I would hit up Those Mockingbirds on FACEBOOK so you don’t miss out.

What some of you may not realize, is that I give a ton of credit to Those Mockingbirds for the success of Ear to the Ground.  Here’s why.  I started Ear to the Ground in May 2011 without a clue or a direction.  Over the course of the remainder of that year, I began to find my voice. Late in the year, I came across Those Mockingbirds via a Twitter follow (I think and choose to believe). I quickly became enamored with their melodic hard alt rock sound. I named them my Band of the Week.

Shortly after that, I received a contact from Don Ryan who was and I suppose still is friends with the band, his video This Town still ranks among my all time favorites. Around this time, I met venerable NJ music blogger and raconteur Popa Tunes who turned me on to Dead Exs, The End Men and so many more.  Through The End Men, I met Gypsy West and Chris Peck’s band The Disappointment. Through Don Ryan, I met The Danbury Lie. Somehow, in all that, I met Skeletons in the Piano who ended up being our Band of the Year for 2012…  And in all that, I became the number one ranked Tennessee Based Music Blogger Who Mostly Blogs About Bands from New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut  (an albeit lightly populated category).  Of course, I’ve diversified since them, and I’ve even been known to write about Nashville and Tennessee  bands on occasion.

My point being, Those Mockingbirds play a vital role in shaping this blog which all of you have come to know and love.  By the way, the mockingbird is the State Bird of Tennessee. Coincidence? You be the judge.

Ahem…. now that I’ve made this post all about me, I will turn it around and implore you to grab the new Those Mockingbird single on October 22 and keep your ear to the ground for impending details on the full album.

Today’s shuffle is after the JUMP

Due to technical difficulties, we have a short but sweet shuffle today.  A quirky, odd little mix filled with some really good music.

“Fingerprint Armada” by Liquid Casing (High concept, progressive Hard Rock from these Texas veterans from their album A Separate/Divide)

“Shenandoah” by Tom Waits and Keith Richards (I feel like there is not much I can add to Tom Waits + Keith Richards doing “Shenandoah”.)

“My Coming Son” and “April” by prattle on, rick. (We close this short set of music with two in a row from Nashville’s prattle on, rick. “My Coming Son” is a touching number off the Some Quiet Majesty album which was recently released. “April” is another “month” song from the album A Decade Begins”)

Here is today’s short Video Playlist
