Friday Morning Music Shuffle – Don’t Rush the Author Mix

Good morning! 

First of all, I must say that I had a blast hanging out at the Five Spot last night.  Thanks for The Alternate Root for putting on the show, Ear to the Ground featured artist Mark Robinson for hosting, and all the great musicians for making such wonderful racket. 

It was great meeting Mark Robinson and Sue Havlish in person.

It was nice hanging out with  fellow blogger Too Much Country, Miss Shevaughn and Yuma Wray (Couch by Couchwest alum who we’ve posted about here – SPOILER ALERT: they may just happen to have a song into today’s Shuffle…), and James Crawford (a fellow survivor of my hometown, who is about to put out an amazing record – much more to come about that). 

It was one of those only in Nashville kind of nights.  From Johnny Fritz’s drummer working the door, to the great music from Mark Robinson, Dave Coleman of The Coal Men (who I also got to meet), Kevin Gordon, Jon Byrd, Eric Brace and Peter Cooper, Amelia White, and  the amazing Tim Carroll closing out the evening.

Switching gears (completely): 

Avant Guard Dogs  are the best band you’ve never heard. That’s right, you’ve never heard them.  No, it was not them who played the party at your frat house before their first album ever came out. No, you don’t own a bootleg import of their unreleased first single on pink vinyl in it’s original cover.  What the band does have going for them is some amazing album covers.  Take a gander HERE (where you will also see classic album covers by The Shambles and Quivering Brains.  All of these covers were designed by the amazing Ron Ruelle (Dizzy Gillespie, Tony Bennett).  Seriously, if you need graphic design work – check him out.

Let’s get to the music:

After the JUMP

An extended Shuffle for Friday:

“The Magnificent Seven” by The Clash (just because!)

“Elephant” by Jason Isbell (from his latest phenomenal album, Southeastern)

“Land of 1000 Dances” by The Harmonica Lewinskies (a new version of the classic song – written by Chris Kenner and recorded by Cannibal and the Headhunters and Wilson Pickett among others.)  The song is referenced in the X song True Love Pt. II.

“Jeepster” by T.Rex

“Hand Holding is Encouraged” by Before the Brave (a cool San Francisco indie band)

“The Garden” by Wowser Bowser (from a Paste Magazine compilation. They are from Atlanta, and I want to hear more.  Oh, and they played their first show at Guilford College where my friend Heydn went to school – but he may have graduated prior to that show…so .. um.. never mind.)

“Charleston Chew” by The Howlin’ Brothers (from their The Sun Studios Session – you really can’t go wrong with The Howlin’ Brothers)

“Georgia Rain” by The Questionnaires (from their album Anything Can Happen and taken from the latest Feel Bad for You mixtape and submitted by the aforementioned Too Much Country. The Questionnaires were an iconic local rock band in Nashville back in the mid to late 80s and early 90s).

“Tag Along” by False-Heads (A fantastic young band from England – the members attend Chichester University.  I just like saying Chichester.  Try it. Chichester. See.)

“Go Hang” by Miss Shevaughn and Yuma Wray (Surprise! Unless you ignored by Spoiler Alert. As I said, I had a blast meeting all three members of Miss Shevaughn and Yuma Wray. I’m also excited that they will be back in Nashville on October 22 for a show at The Basement.)

“Big Black Car” by Big Star (No Big Star in yesterday’s shuffle, but they come back into the shuffle to today with one of my favorite songs.)

“Girl” by T. Rex (our second T. Rex song of the morning.  Btw, Marc Bolan was pretty awesome)

and, we close out the shuffle with…

“Into the Mines” by The End Man (in celebration of their tour of Europe!)

Today’s Video Playlist (Powered By You  Tube and featuring some of  the music heard on todays’s  E2TG Shuffle.

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