Tuesday Morning Music Shuffle – Discarded Detritus Mix

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Have you voted yet?  No? Well, go VOTE!  Yes? Well, go VOTE again?  Not sure, well VOTE!  I guess I’m saying – it’s that time of the lunar cycle… no not that time… the time when we ask you, loyal reader, to take part in a demonstration of out-of-control competitiveness and to help determine the Band of the Month for October 2012. Look, music is what matters, and all of the voting etc. is just an excuse to put the music out there again, plus, if two or three bands really get into it, it can be tons o’ fun.  So go VOTE!
 Oh yeah, and for our U.S. readers, there is some sort of election thing happening soon, and you should probably vote in that, too.

We have a packed music shuffle today, so let’s get to it.

The Imperial Rooster keep it concise and to the point with this track from Decent People. 45 Seconds of Blood delivers just what it promises (actually the track clocks in at 48 seconds, but the blood only lasts for 45 of those).


Here’s The Imperial Rooster from this year’s CXCW fest (anti-fest?)

San Diego Indie Rock band Future of Forestry released an album in July called Young Man Follow.  Today we’ve got Would You Come Home. There is a certain lushness to this record that I’m really digging. Check it out:

Tipi Valley have been on our radar for a number of months.  We’ve had them as a Featured Artists and several of their songs have appeared in Morning Music Shuffles.  In July, Tipi Valley released an acoustic-leaning EP called In the Woods. Now, they are back with the follow-up, Beautiful Sunrise, on which they plug in, power up and offer 4 great new songs including Needle For Your Love which is part of today’s shuffle.  Man oh man, I love this song.  Obviously, I’m a fan of Tipi Valley, and I’ve been impressed by the diversity of music they’ve offered.  Needle for Your Love offers a sonic blast reminiscent of Husker Du/Bob Mould with some Beatlesque hooks and enough fuzzy goodness to maintain the band’s shoegaze rep (I still don’t know what shoegaze means by the way).  Check out the latest from Tipi Valley.

http://bandcamp.com/EmbeddedPlayer/v=2/album=4230092450/size=grande3/bgcol=FFFFFF/linkcol=4285BB/Next, we continue digging into Marvin Etzioni’s excellent and epic double album, Marvin Country!  Lay It On the Table features the lovely and talented Lucinda Williams joining Marvin for a Sam Shepard worthy tale of broken love and fractured hearts.

Here’s a video of Marvin, Lucinda and friends playing together.
And finally, The Dixie Hummingbirds are a Gospel group who have been making music for more than 80 years.  They perform a version of You Are the Light on Marvin Country!  Here we have When the Dollar Rules the Pulpit which we pick up off on of the albums to come out of the Occupy movement.


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