Monday Morning Music Shuffle – Sexiest Librarian Mix

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 After some extended time away, we are back with an honest to goodness Morning Shuffle.  

Louisville, Kentucky based My Morning Jacket are up first with Librarian from their 5th Studio Album – Evil Urges.  

The late, great June Carter Cash wife of the late, great Johnny Cash wrote the song Ring of Fire which was made famous by her husband.  Since then, numerous covers of the song have been recorded including Social Distortion, Wall of Voodoo, Eric Burdon and the Animals and others.  Today, we have June’s own version:


Lou Reed released his third solo record Berlin in 1973. Caroline Says I is from the first side of the record.


And finally, Rage Against The Machine from their 1999 album, The Battle of Los Angeles with Guerilla Radio.  And we are out!

