Thursday Morning Music Shuffle – Day after Day Mix

Raining in the city today.  A good steady rain, and I didn’t even mind (much) that my poor battered umbrella gave me fits on the walk up the hill this morning…

A good mix of music helped ease my dampness:

First up, we have a song from Ken Stringfellow (Posies, R.E.M., Big Star).  This one is called Any Love (Cassandra Et Lune) and it is on his 2004 album Soft Commands.

Next up, we have the title track from Seattle-based singer/songwriter Damien Jurado’s latest album, Maraqopa. I have been a big fan of Damien Jurado for a while, and his unique voice and beautiful songs seem to find a place in my heart and soul.

New York-based Alberta Cross have a brand new album due out next week.  It’s called Songs of PatienceMagnolia is our first listen.

You can get Magnolia and a bunch of other cool songs by downloading a free ATO Records Sampler at Amazon. 

And finally, we close with Nashville Skyline Rag off the classic Bob Dylan album Nashville Skyline. You know sometimes I get down on my city of residence for the past 20+ years, but when you look at the history of great music of all genres which has been recorded here, and the amazing music still be made here, it’s actually a good place to be a music blogger. The Nashville Skyline has changed a bit since a much younger Bob Dylan wrote this song… we have the Batman Building and the Pinnacle Tower among others, but it’s still a pretty cool sight to see…