Tuesday Morning Music Shuffle – Invitation to Robbery Mix

As you may or may not know, I create a playlist and let the Shuffle function determine the mix which I call my Morning Shuffle. Am I sometimes tempted to take control and create the mix myself? Sure. But, what I like about the Shuffle mode is the way randomness tends to parallel real life.  Sometimes there seem to be patterns – like last week’s day of several animal themed tracks in a row. Sometimes – like today – there is no discernible pattern. Just a collection of cool songs – old and new in a variety of styles and moods. You know kind of like life….

Today’s shuffle emerges – after the JUMP

“Back in the Saddle” by Mark Robinson (from Quit Your Job – Play Guitar.  This is top-notch Music City Blues from one of our favorite artists.)

“Safe European Home” by The Clash (from Give ’em Enough Rope. One of my favorite Clash songs. A classic.)

“Stay True” by Moovalya (from Moovalya. One of the most recent “discoveries”. Moovalya have a high energy punk/metal sound. They are from Phoenix. )

“You Ain’t Alone” by Alabama Shakes (This song is included on a recent ATO Fall Sampler which I  grabbed off of Noisetrade.  It is a track on the Athens, Alabama band’s break-through album, Boys and Girls.)

“I’ll Be Gone” by The Black Clouds (from Better Days.  This New Jersey Grungy/punk band came onto my radar earlier this year.  I featured several songs from this album earlier in the year, but it’s been a little while since they appeared in a shuffle.  It’s good to have the reminder of how much I dig their music.  Check ’em out)

“Scream (reprise)” by Marla Mase (from the Speak Deluxe album.  A nice way to end today’s shuffle – a reprise of the outstanding song Scream.  Marla Mase is another artist to come to my attention in 2013, and she is one of the most creative and original artists I have ever come across.  If you haven’t – check out her music.)

Watch today’s Video Playlist


Tuesday Morning Music Shuffle – Out of the Starlight Inn Mix

On a road… JWM 7/28/2013
Short on time – the music is next



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Friday Morning Music Shuffle – The Myth is This Mix

thanks to Pam Slavin for the image
Hey ho!  The weather here is near ideal – at least for late July in Tennessee, and so I am going to make it outside to enjoy… 
So I’ll make today’s post brief.  First off, several songs were not on YouTube and in at least one case, I couldn’t find any videos by the artist, so please check out (google and Facebook search work well) all of these artists/songs.
“Quando Quebra” by Valued Customer (another from Kalpa)
“Townsend, TN” by Royal Court of China (one of the Shakersish instrumental tracks on the self-titled debut)
“When You Loved Me” (Live) by Callaghan (A new Noisetrade “discovery” – such a stunning voice!)
“The Dive” by Peace of the South (a rock ‘n’ roll instrumental – with some Berryish guitar licks. A new South Carolina band who are “growing up in public”.)
“Rid of Me” by The Black Clouds (1st of 2 today by these NJ Grungy rockers)
“I Am Six Pounds of Dynamite” by Centro-Matic (Love this Texas band)
Next Song leads into the Shuffle:
“Systems of the Son” by Before the Brave (a San Francisco band – new folk revival stuff – pretty sweet song)
“Rock ‘N’ Roll High School (Stereo Movie Mix)” by Ramones (getting to be back to school time….)
“Alambrista” by Liquid Casing (another instrumental this one with free-jazz instrumentation and a killer progressive rock sound, too)
“Breathing” by The Black Clouds  (2nd of 2 by this band. Love this song!)
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Thursday Morning Music Shuffle – Tooth and Consequences Mix

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–> http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/show_ads.jsYo! I have a bit of a dental emergency so I have to make this short and sweet…

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Mix after the JUMP

In two words or less


“Fear Inside Our Bones” by The Almost (Tampa Alternative)

“Other Side” by The Swaggerin’ Growlers (Folk-Punk Ska)

“Get it Out of Your Head” by Beach Day (More Florida)

“Sleepy Hollow” by Year of October (Ichabod Crane)
“Wolves” by Bronze Radio Return (Yay Wolves)
“High and Dry” live by Radiohead (High Dry)
“Further On” by Bronze Radio Return (More Bronze)
“We Got Soul” by Christian Robins (What Soul)
“King is Dead” by Christopher Paul Stelling (Stirring Melody)
“Blue Blocker” by The Black Clouds (Jersey Grunge)
“Birch Island Bandit” by Katherine Moller (Celtic Fiddle)
“Hot Dogs and Cold Beer” by Secret Country (Suds and Brats)
“Friends Like Those” by Robert Ellis (Pure Texas)

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Wednesday Morning Music Shuffle – Maybe Partying Will Help Mix

A few items of interest… KALPA – the new Valued Customer album is due out today. We are still awaiting it’s arrival with bated and baited breath.

Gabriel Redding is on the penultimate day of his record breaking run across America to raise money for Alzheimer and Dementia patients. Get your donate on (click on his name for details).

Our great old friends, The End Men are headed out on a mini-tour to Ohio.  If you are in these area’s be sure to check them out. Seriously, do it, and tell them Ear to the Ground sent you.  Annabel’s – Akron on 7/18;  Buzzbin –  Canton on 7/19; and the Stone Tavern –  Kent on 7/20.

Now, let’s get to the Morning Mix of Music.

After the JUMP


“Prelude” by The Black Clouds (How appropriate to begin with a Prelude…)

“Kiss Me on the Bus” by The Replacements (An absolute classic – “Hurry, Hurry, Here comes my stop”)

“Janitorial on Channel Fail” by Centro-Matic (more from this awesome Texas band)

“Howm’ I Gonna Get Back Home” by He’s My Brother She’s My Sister (The band with the great sound and the long name).

“No Reason” by The Black Clouds (a much needed does of ferociousness into the morning mix)

“Remembrance of Things Past” by Coastwest Unrest (It’s been a little while since we featured this band, and it’s good to be reminded of just how great they sound)

“The Four Loves” by Heath McNease (more from his hip-hop remix of his folk album inspired by the work of C.S. Lewis)

“Pink Champagne” by Caitlin Rose (Nashville’s sweetheart performs songs from her latest album in a special session for Noisetrade)  

“3’s a Charm” by Bleu (A super cool song from his Redhead album)


 “The Mighty Midshipmen” by Centro-Matic from Love You Just the Same (2003)

Another track available on a massive 24 song free download via the Band’s Bandcamp page. This Denton, Texas band features Will Johnson from Monsters of Folk and have been making music together since 1995.

“Homegrown Tomatoes” by Guy Clark from Songs and Stories (2011) (Original Version was on Better Days (1983)

The legendary singer-songwriter performs, a classic song about the popular fruit which often pretends to be a vegetable.

“Dromedary” by Dog Without Warning from Bark (2013)

One of favorite releases of 2013 was the surprising Bark EP by Bay Area band Dog Without Warning.  This is the last song on that EP, and it is a charmer.  Give a listen and try not to smile.

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Tuesday Morning Music Shuffle – Where’s the Truth? Mix

Cheers by JWM 7/12/2013  
As per usual, we have lots of great music to cover and not much time… so let’s get to it.
Today’s Mix is after the JUMP


“Patience for the Ride” by Centro-Matic (Awesome Texas band – came to our attention via a tweet by the also awesome Amanda Shires) 

“Edmund” by Heath McNease

“Waltz” by Little Radar (coincidentally, I (sort of) learned how to Waltz on Saturday)

“Candy” by Iggy Pop with Kate Pierson 

“Stalemate” by The Black Clouds 

“Somethin’s Gotta Give” by Bleu

“Dose of Thunder” by The Replacements

“Bop ‘Til You Drop” by Ramones

“Could be Worse” by Bleu 


“My Body is Dumb” by The Great American Novel from the forthcoming album (2013)

“well i guess this is growing up” – The latest single from The Great American Novel. A taste of the highly anticipated follow-up to Kissing. Check it out!

“Watch the Rope” by The Black Market Merchants from Black Market EP (2013)

The not-so casual observer will note that this EP and the previous song in our mix were both recorded at the same place.  Currently, I have no further information to add, just the observation.  This three song EP is available on Bandcamp. It’s worthy of your attention and action.  As always add some digits to the name your price box if you are able. In any event share, share, share…

“Vegetable” (live) by Radiohead from PASTE.COM Presents: Radiohead Live at Tramps June 1, 1995 (2013)

(No longer available on Noisetrade.com)
Live version of this song from the first Radiohead album, Pablo Honey.

“I Wish It Was True” by The White Buffalo from American Songwriter: The Best of American Songwriter Sessions (2013)

 Another Noisetrade exclusive. This collection of stripped down songs features the likes of Damien Jurado, Justin Townes Earle, Robert Ellis, Elizabeth Cook, and David Nail. And The White Buffalo, of course. Jake Smith records under the name The White Buffalo.  His latest album is called Once Upon a Time in the West.



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Thursday Morning Music Shuffle – Previewing the Purview of Perfection Mix

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 Propane, Storm Clouds, and Custom Hitches by JWM 7/10/2013

 I have a ton of ground to cover and as per usual not as much time I was would like… so forsaking the pleasantries….

Today, we begin with three previews of upcoming releases.  

Let’s begin with Grow the long awaited solo effort by Spencer Livingston of The Alternates (who were one of our early Bands of the Week about two years ago).  Grow is due out next Tuesday July 16, 2013.  The album features guests like Butch Norton (Lucinda Williams, Eels) and Kenneth Pattengale (Milk Carton Kids).  One of the things that first caught my ear with The Alternates was Livingston’s super rich vocals, and he is in full voice on what I’ve had the chance to hear so far from the new record. American Songwriter premiered the first video from the album “Have a Little Faith”.   Spencer is heading East for a run of shows before returning to California for a couple of shows at the beginning of August.  You can grab all his tour dates here.

Easy Getting By is the Debut EP from Glen Falls, NY band The Quick and The Dead.  It will be released on July 26.  The Quick and The Dead features our old friend Joey Mansman (Today is his birthday by the way  – so have a good one Joey) who we met through his other band Cosmonauts (who are supposed to be wrapping up their epic final album soon – from what I read). You may remember our interview and video premier of the Cosmonauts song Cold Harbor.  The Quick and The Dead offers up a more roots/Americana vibe, and based on what I’ve heard so far, it is pretty awesome.  I can’t wait to hear the whole EP.  The first taste from Easy Getting By is called “Into the River”

Finally, we are very happy to present the first taste of Kalpa which is the new EP by Valued Customer.  The band is excited about this new music, and finally, we get our first hint at what all the excitement is about. We have to wait until July 17 for the full course of Kalpa, but the band have graced us with “Second Moon” as a Free Download over at Bandcamp (Name Your Own Price). The track is six minutes and 13 seconds of mind-blowing music and words. Valued Customer, as I have mentioned, are from Toronto. They are often weird, sometimes silly, but above all they are amazingly talented artists, and I mean that sincerely.  Here’s a sample of lyric:

ugggy gotta alotta luv in his heartbeat
but i seen it all before, Koyaanisqatsi 
I mean, hell, just the fact that they rhymed heartbeat and Koyaanisqatsi would be enough to sell me, but this isn’t even the best moment. Ah, heck just judge for yourself..

We still have a shuffle to do, and not a lot of time.  JUMP then SHUFFLE

Pre-Shuffle (in brief):

“American Weekend” and “Sleeping Alone” from The Great American Novel
“Black Star” (live) from Radiohead
“Sailor Song” from The Blind Owl Band (new album is out now!)
“Before Your Father Hears Us” and “Romeo” from The Family Crest
“One of These Days” from CeDell Davis
“Swing Low” from Bobby McFerrin with Esperanza Spalding
“The Recluse” from Amigo The Devil


“Fray” by The Black Clouds from Better Days (2013)

“For a Memory Erased” by Liquid Casing from A Separate Divide (2013)



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Wednesday Morning Music Shuffle – What’s Going On Mix

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Music City Railing by JWM (June 2013)
Ok.  We’ve whipped up a rich and hearty stew of good music – as usual crossing genres, styles, and decades with the greatest of ease.  
The mix begins next…


“What’s Going On” by Marvin Gaye (Sister, Sister…)
“Needles and Pins” by the Ramones (song written by Jack Nitzsche and Sonny Bono)
“Mississippi” by David Nail (a flat out great song)
“Peggy’s Tavern” by The Payroll Union (Americana from the mother country – Sheffield to be exact – h/t to PopaTunes)
“Wart Hog” by the Ramones (from Too Tough to Die. Dee Dee sings! Punk Rock!)
“It Belongs to You” by James the Giant (another excellent song from his stunning and powerful debut)
“Riot Path” by  Liquid Casing (A propulsive jam from A Separate Divide)
“Gimme Gimme Shock Treatment” by the Ramones (Third Ramones song of the mix – yay!)
“Magdalene”  by Guy Clark (Nashville via Texas songwriter extraordinaire)

 “Defective Mind” by The Black Clouds from Better Days (2013)

A New Jersey band that makes some of the best grungy punk music I’ve heard in a while. High energy, melodious and fun.

“Ohio” by Devo from When Pigs Fly: Songs You Never Thought You’d Hear – compilation (2002) 

A pretty cool cover of the Neil Young penned Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young song.  Gerald Casale and Mark Mothersbaugh were students at Kent State at the time of the killings and Casale witnessed the shooting and knew two of the victims.  This is the second cover of this song we’ve had in one of our mixes. We previously featured a version by Mike Mills of R.E.M. with New Orleans Trombone ensemble Bonerama from a Hurricane Relief CD)

“Deep Thoughts by Jack Handy (sic)” by Heath McNease from Thrift Store Jesus (2012)

We jump over to another release by Heath McNease. This track references a popular segment from the 90s on SNL.  Jack Handey is the correct spelling. I’m not sure if the misspelling is intentional or not.

“Ramblin On My Mind” by Left Lane Cruisers and James Leg from Painkillers (2012)

Some more deep, deep blues from the Indiana based Left Lane Cruiser joined here by James Wesley Myers aka Reverend James Leg of Black Diamond Heavies… Oh yeah, it’s a Robert Johnson song.


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