Wednesday Morning Music Shuffle – A Little Poison Mix

Things are hopping.  Music is being made and released and for a part-time, amateur music blogger, it can be a bit overwhelming… but in the best way possible.  I can only say if you’ve sent me music in the past few weeks; I beg patience, and I promise –  I’m listening and will be posting soon…..

Today we have a mix of music to delight and inspire – but that is every day, but today is especially delightful and inspiring, but so is every day. Ah hell, comparisons are stupid. We have a great mix of music, and so, let us leave it at that.


“Wrong Way Street” by The End Men (Matthew and Livia are currently tearing it up through the European continent – from the picture there have been some amazingly cool shows including at least one with people juggling fire.)

“Rock and Roll is Dead” by Killing Kuddles  (From Odd Man Out. Killing Kuddles is spectacularly awesome, and I really want everyone to know it.  Check it out!)

“Good Soldiers” by Glory! (Some rockin’ reggae from the Gulf coast of Alabama. Positive vibes and groovy beats, y’all)

“I’ll Be Coming Home” by Brad Jones (Nashville-based singer songwriter who we have been featuring for the past couple of months)

“Wanting Peace” by The Coal Men (I saw and met chief Coal Man, Dave Coleman, last week at the 5 Spot where he did a solo set.  The solo set blew me away, and as I dig into this album – one of the ones I alluded to at the opening of this post, I continue to be impressed.  Expect much more on this in the days and weeks to come)

“The Ballad of Souls Departed” by The Dexateens (from Singlewide.  In the wake of the bands impressive showing at this past weekend’s Americanarama event, I’ve been loading up my playlist Dexateens music.  They have a brand new EP called Sunsphere which dropped today.)

“Poison” by Grayson Capps (This is one of the songs that Willie Sugarcapps did at Americanarama, and I had to get this added into my playlist. A spicy gumbo of New Orleans meets Nashville. Just the way I like it!)

“Dancing in the Bulrushes” by Jim Testa (from the Mama Coco’s Funky Kitchen: Section 4 compilation)

“Manifesto No. 4” by Shooter Jennings (from Family Man.  Waylon’s boy done good)

“Weatherman” by Stoll Vaughn (I dig this. According to his website, Stoll Vaughn is a Kentucky born singer/songwriter and the co-founder of a Los Angeles based artist development company)

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(check out Glory! at Reverbnation!) 
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