Thursday Morning Music Shuffle – Nine Monkey Years Mix

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Let me preface what is likely to be another gushing  paragraph or so about what an amazing time it is to be a music fan in Nashville with the following:  I write a bunch about Nashville’s live music scene because that is where I am and it is what I am experiencing. I do know that there are some amazing pockets of awesome musical stuff happening all over the world. Through writing this blog, I have been fortunate enough to “discover” tons of great music from all over and get a peak into some of these pockets of creativity and collaboration.   In that spirit one of my goals for E2TG in 2016 is to forge some partnerships with other writers so that this site can dig deeper into more of the great music happening.  Truth be told, I cannot even adequately cover Nashville’s music so I would like to also forge some partnerships here in town.  I will be posting more as I move forward, but if you read this and have some ideas or interest, please contact me at  Be sure to put E2TG2016 as part of the subject line to make sure I see it.

For the last three weeks, iconic Nashville musician/singer/songwriter Jason Ringenberg (Jason and the Scorchers, Farmer Jason) has been doing a residency every Wednesday at The 5 Spot.  For me this has been a fantastic combination of the music I listened to in my musical formative years and one of my favorite haunts of this later phase of my life. The music has been fantastic, the guests have been spectacular, and there have been wonderful surprises every week. Last night, Jason was joined by Tommy Womack – one of the best this town has to offer. Tommy Womack played some music from his forthcoming new album, some of his timeless classics, and a pretty darn cool Jason and the Scorchers cover.  Jason played a great mix of songs from his long history, an awesome Tommy Womack cover, and then the two of them played some songs they wrote together. 

If you’ve missed the first three week, you have one more opportunity to catch Jason at The 5 Spot. Next week, he will be joined by Fats Kaplin and Kristi Rose for what should be a wonderful finale.

Forward to the shuffle…

“(What’s So Funny ‘Bout) Peace, Love, and Understanding” by Keb’ Mo’

We just recently featured a cover of this song by Tomas Doncker Band. Here is another cover of the Nick Lowe penned song most often associated with Elvis Costello.  Keb’ Mo’ makes this classic song his own.  Honestly, I cannot hear too many great covers of this song.

“Space Monkey” by John Prine

A live recording of John Prine singing a song he co-wrote with Peter Case about a Soviet monkey cosmonaut who got lost in space and returned to Earth after the cold war had ended.

“Solvent Blues” by the transcendents

From the Common Ground EP, a really awesome song from a band that has in pretty short order become of my favorites.  I can say that as of right now they are my #1 band from Christchurch, New Zealand. Seriously, if you only check out one new band today, give the transcendents a listen and if you dig – get some of their music and give them a “like” on Facebook.

“bang the lid” by Delta Deep

Our second listen to this hard rockin’ blues band that features a powerhouse blues singer and the guitar player from Def Leppard. I am digging this new music.

“And Live” by Some Kind of Illness

Some Kind of Illness is a band made up of two brothers from the UK. Although, they just released their self-titled debut album in 2015, they have been playing together for  several years, and it comes across in the music. I have been really digging their album, and I am really glad another song came up in the shuffle today.  If you only check out one… (wait I already said that) well, check them out, too.  And get the music and hit “like” if you dig.

“Got the Time” by Joe Jackson

I swear that the first time I heard this song, I thought that a metal band should cover this.  Unfortunately, I had that idea before the internet so I do not have any proof… and to be honest, it was such a no brainer, it pretty much had to happen.  Anthrax did cover this song, and I’ve included their cover along with the rocking original from Look Sharp! in the video playlist below. A real pick-me-up in the midst of my morning walk.

“Won’t Complain” by Tom Schreck

Tom Schreck is one of the best and most unique songwriters in a town of great songwriters.  This is a tune from his album Save the Glory.

“Help Me Make It Through the Night” by Jon Langford and Chip Taylor

From a Kris Kristofferson tribute album called, Don’t Let the Bastards Get You Down, Jon Langford (Mekons, Waco Brothers) along with Chip Taylor who wrote “Wild Thing” and “Angel of the Morning”.  This is all kinds of awesome.  I was lucky enough to see Langford play with a fantastic band during my birthday week last week. 


window.amznpubstudioTag = “eartothegro00-20”;

Joe’s Birthday Week – Tuesday Night 1/12/2016

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Be sure to “Like” Ear to the Ground on Facebook!

Ug!  I had a doctor’s appointment this morning and a busy day, and I’m heading back out for the fourth night of my birthday week – so I am going to have to punt on the shuffle today.  Sorry.  All the songs (which were really awesome) will go back into the hopper for another day.

Here is a recap of last night’s musical adventures…

window.amznpubstudioTag = “eartothegro00-20”; third stop on the Birthday Week Express was at The Basement (the original one on 8th Avenue) for a showcase featuring “Earie” Award winning  Sara Syms and her awesome band.  Sara played songs from her latest album Way Back Home.  By now, I am certain you have read my review and gotten your copy…  Here is a link to my review.

After that, I headed across the river to $2 Tuesday with Derek Hoke.  This is one of East Nashville’s best events. I have never once been disappointed.  Last night was exceptional.  I had heard about Ian Fitzgerald from a number of my songwriting friends, and I pleased to find out he was on the bill.  Ian is from Boston, and I really dug is songs. 

Ashleigh Flynn had also been recommended and introduced to me.  Backed by fiddle player, Kathryn Claire, Flynn said her songs were mostly about whiskey and women.  I particularly liked the song she wrote after playing an open mic night at the Bluebird Café. Some great humor and the music was smoking.  A magical moment happened when Ashley Flynn noting a poster over the bar, launched into an awesome cover of Todd Snider’s “Play a Train Song”, and Snider wandered on stage to sing along with the refrain.

Next up was Derek Hoke – who sounding amazing as always.

Suzy Oleson and her band sounded fantastic.

Special note: DJ Tim Hibbs played songs with the theme of Heroes and Outcasts in honor of David Bowie, and as only he can moved with ease from Bowie to Charlie Rich with Red Simpson song honoring the country music legend who passed away last week. 

The night ended with Jon Langford (The Mekons, The Waco Brothers) playing his first ever show at The 5 Spot (I think that is what he said), and it was hands down one of the best sets I have seen a while.  He had an awesome band that included Grant Johnson, Pete Finney, and Paul Burch.

An awesome night three of my birthday week, and I got to see several good friends along the way.  The trip continues tonight with two stops – I will back at The 5 Spot early (6-8) for the second installment of the Jason Ringenberg Residency – his guest tonight: Peter Cooper!

Then, I will head to Mad Donna’s for Brian Langlinais, Renee Wahl, and Simon Reid.

Shuffle returns tomorrow….