Thursday Morning Music Shuffle – Questions? Mix

First off this morning, I can going to attempt to answer some of our most frequently asked questions.*  Some of these have been covered before, but we’ve recently added a bunch of new readers so…**

Q:  What’s with the Shuffle?
A:  I  have a ten to fifteen minute walk to my office every weekday.  I listen to music during my walk up the hill in the morning and I use the shuffle feature on my music player to determine the songs for the day. I do create various playlists and yes, I do sometimes shuffle a couple of times to get “better” mix, but I try to keep it as random as possible.

Q:  How can I get my band’s music on your blog?
A:  Bribes help… just kidding.  Contact me (Put Ear to the Ground in the subject line) and include a link where I can at least hear some of your music.  If you have music I can download, I will try to get you in the mix.  If I really like what I hear, I will feature your band as Band of the Week or some equivalent feature. Be patient but feel free to follow up after a few weeks.  

Q: What kind of music do you like to receive?  
A: Anything good.  If you stick around long enough, you will notice that I feature a pretty diverse range of music.  Personally, I think the concept of genres is pretty dumb, although I understand (sort of) why band’s have to use them. For me though, I try to judge the music on the music not which pigeon-hole it does or doesn’t fit into. But, that is just me.

 * Okay – these are the questions I think people may have.  In actuality our most frequent asked question seems to be “Did you hear what she is saying about you?” followed by a indecipherable link. 

** Readership tends to vary over time and depending on what is going on. Still, to be the best of my ability to understand blog stats, I think Readership is increasing.  Mainly, though, I just included that statement to make you think very highly of me…. 😉

On to today’s shuffle:

Make Believe  is by The Holograms  featuring Galen Wade (who we have featured before and who is also a great supporter of Ear to the Ground along with Wade Walker.  Wade x Wade get it?  It’s some great guitar-driven electronic music.  Below we have the song on Soundcloud. Make Believe by The Holograms

Okay so I couldn’t find a video for The Holograms (they are too new) so I’ve posted Jem and The Holograms for your… um enjoyment. No connection between Galen and Wade’s band and Jem’s band is implied. 🙂

Next, we have an awesome cover of Sweet’s classic Fox on the Run.  This cover is by 80s California punk band, Nip Drivers and was featured on the soundtrack to the 1984 low-budger film Desperate Teenage Lovedolls.

Nip Drivers Cover here:
Check out Sweet’s original here:
Finally, we have Scotty’s Lament, the opening track from the 1987 Mitch Easter produced album Boylan Heights by The Connells. 
Affiliated Links:
Desperate Teenage Lovedolls - Desperate Teenage Lovedolls –
A comically punky version of Beyond the Valley of the Dolls , Desperate Teenage Lovedolls tells the story of three disaffected young girls who leave home to become rock stars. Lead singer Kitty Carryall (Jennifer Schwartz), whose mother is played by a shrill, hysterical man in a dress, runs away to Venice, CA, where she and a friend shoot heroin and meet a drummer named Patch. Kitty joins Patch in beating a Dylanesque tramp to death with his own guitar and battles a tough girl-gang called the She-Devils on a beach, stabbing one of them to escape. Despite raping one of the girls at his Brentwood condo, sleazy agent Johnny Tremaine engineers the Love Dolls’ rise to the top, off a hot album called Electric Catbox. Soon, the band is at the top and decides to drop Johnny, so they drug his wine, setting the scene for a hilarious “bad trip” segment involving stuffed cats and a suicidal plunge from a building. The tragedy continues in grand rock-movie style as the band’s guitarist is murdered by the She-Devils and Kitty shoots one of them to death in retaliation. We next see Kitty a year later, wandering the train tracks as a derelict. ~ Robert Firsching, Rovi