And it’s official* The Band of the Month is….

Congratulations!  It was a hard fought battle, and a fair amount of time was misspent (which is always a goal of mine.)  

Of course it’s all about the music and all of the bands nominated are great.

Great things are ahead for all of these bands.  And we move forward.  The Gypsy West are the first Band of the Week for February and they will soon be joined by another great band.

I have a very special morning music shuffle scheduled for tomorrow so tune in.

*The End Men are challenging the voting, and have even threatened to bring in the Pauls (Ron and Rand and possible Ru – not sure about the last one).

We’ll leave you with MAKAR’s classic song, I Hate My Job performed live at Bar East just a few weeks ago, actually – it was a special show just for my birthday (kidding). 

I Hate My Job (Bar East – January 2012) from MAKAR on Vimeo.