Stomacher – Clara – On Sale Now!!!!

Stomacher were our second ever Band of the Week shortly after this blog got started.  They are an awesome band from San Francisco with unique, dark and melodic sound.  They have been hard at work, Kickstarting and working with some awesome folks, and now the fruits of their labors are ready… I’ll let Stomacher tell you about it!

We have great news! Our new album ‘Clara’ is out and stream-able for free here:

If you like what you hear, please support us and purchase for $9. Your contributions are greatly appreciated and help us continue as an independent band.

Grammy Award-winning Stuart Sikes (Cat power, The White Stripes, Loretta Lynn) mixed the record, and Howie Weinburg (U2, The Killers, Arctic Monkeys, Smashing Pumpkins, Jeff Buckley) mastered the record, and it sounds fantastic!

Here is a taste….