Ear to the Ground Presents: Featured Artists for November/December (7 and 8 of 20)

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7. James Lynch (Reverb, Facebook, Twitter) – “Utilizing primary elements of contemporary Rock music, Arc Rock, short for Archaic Rock, infuses subtle flavors of theatre, history, and the arcane.”

City: Los Angeles

Member: James W. Lynch

Recent Release (Old Souls):


A Video:

8. Jemez Mountain Hawkz (Website, Facebook, Bandcamp) – “Southwestern-­‐flavored take on Americana that’s as unique as the environs themselves.”

City: Los Angeles/Seattle

Members: D. Lee Waggoner, Dave Hernandez (Shins), Ian Moore, Drew Church, Steven Barci 

Latest Release:

A video:

Tomorrow we complete the first half of our featured artists for November and December.

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Friday Morning Music Shuffle – Of Lies and Laughter Mix

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 As promised, time to get current on the music shuffles.  It was a kind of dreary, drizzly morning but the harder rain stopped by the time I was walking up the hill.  The shuffle today was a great mix of awesome songs from up and coming artists and new and old songs from a couple of legends….

Los Angeles based James W. Lynch recently posted the songs from his EP Old Souls on ReverbNation.  Summer’s End is a beautiful and evocative song which for me really fit well with the somber, dreary morning.  James Lynch has an amazing voice and a unique sound.  Check him out:


Found a different video from Old Souls

Next, we have another track off of Bob Dylan’s latest Tempest. Soon After Midnight is more of Dylan being Dylan.  Take that as you will….


Ballad of a Teenage Queen was a number one hit on the Country charts in 1958 for the late, great Johnny Cash.  It’s a great story of girl meets boy, girl meets Hollywood producer, girl becomes star, girl misses boy, girl gives up her new life, girl remeets boy.  

And finally, we close things out with a great song by Redneck Jedi (who I think is the sworn enemy of the Hick Siths – but I digress.)  Third Chance from the Unplugged and Underground album tells the story of a singer trying to make his way in the world.  Redneck Jedi are from Texas and from what I’ve heard so far, they are a whole lot of fun.



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