Tuesday Morning Music Shuffle – The ‘Mats are Eight Mix

Have you downloaded our awesome Compilation yet? Well, why not?

Several bands we’ve featured on Ear to the Ground have projects worth mentioning:

Those Mockingbirds have a new single that dropped today. Go get it!

The Jinxes have a Kickstarter project to raise funds for a new professionally recorded EP.  Can’t wait to hear the awesome Migration in it’s fully realized form.

Gabriel (Redding) also has a Kickstarter Project to raise funds for a brand new music video.

Finally (for now), if you are in New York City on Saturday the 28th of April, head down to RIFF NYC to see the Bowery Bangs (featuring tons of great musician including David of The Dead Exs and Gerry of Lost Romance) recreating the Rolling Stone’s classic album, Some Girls.

If I missed anything (which I know I did) drop me a line.

To the list:

First up, we have a cool song from a recent discovery – Tipi Valley – a British singer/songwriter.  It’s called Looking forward to the light from The Sweet Life EP.

http://bandcamp.com/EmbeddedPlayer/v=2/album=996768359/size=grande3/bgcol=FFFFFF/linkcol=4285BB/ Next up, is a classic track from alt-country/Paisley Underground band, The Long Ryders, who may reform for some dates this summer???  It’s I Want You Bad from the 1987 album, Two Fisted Tales.

Next is a brief bit of sonic loveliness from ELIKA’s new album Always The Light. It’s called, Never Touch the Sky
And finally, we have a live version of Doolittle era Pixies’ song, Monkey Gone to Heaven.  This version was recorded live at Coachella in 2004. You can get an EP of 4 Coachella 2004 Pixies performances here.
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