Featured Friday Music Shuflle – You Better Bet Your Life Mix

Greetings…Remember voting for Band of the Month – July continues – use the sidebar, and tell your friends to vote, too.

Here in the shuffle are three of our Featured Artists for July:

First up, Justin and the Salty Dogs get their Jimmy Webb/Hank Williams mojo going with the track that first captured my attention to these guys. Postman Blues


Next up is Francis Bowie with Silly and Crazy.

And finally, Happy Song was originally featured on Ear to the Ground as the Mystery Song of the Day when my phone failed to read the Artist Name tag and google turned out to be frugal.  Upon getting home, I figured out that Happy Song is by a band called FallsStart who are now a featured artist and up for Band of the Month…. whew! It is on the band’s forthcoming 6 song EP  Our Summer due out August 10.

Thursday Morning Music Shuffle – Murphy Don’t Have Clue Mix

Here we go… time is short, so let’s get to it.

We have a most righteous random shuffle today:

First up, we have another excellent track from  the fabulous The Imperial Rooster or as my friend Rex Silo likes to call them IrMoPoEsRtIeArL.  This is another track from their must own album Decent People. The song is called The Vintage and it manages to sound melancholy and celebratory at the same time. As in, we’re all damned to hell, so we might as well have fun.  That’s not exactly it, but it’s close to that. Sandpapery silk vocals and deep dark backwoods  instrumentation. 

I couldn’t find a video for The Vintage, so here’s The Imperial Rooster covering The Decemberists.
Next we have Blind Willie McTell’s original version of a song covered notably by The Allman Brothers Band.  Stateboro Blues is classic Blues which features McTell’s celebrated guitar style and his smooth tenor vocals.

Here’s another fine song from Justin and the Salty Dogs



No description available.Genre: Blues MusicRating: Release Date: 0000-00-00Media Type: Compact Disk

No Voter Suppression Here!

VOTE NOW!  We’re going back to the previous method which means the Band of the Month poll is located on the sidebar.  It also means one vote per computer (you can vote for more than one band).
Also, we’re adding a new way to vote.  Please comment below with the name of your selection for Band of the Month. 
As always, be sure to check out all of the bands, even if you’re just here to support your favorite band/kid brother/spouse/neighbor.  Here is a condensed voting guide.  Remember details of all of our Featured Artists are located to the left.
Why should I vote for:
Lawrence Welks and Our Bear to Cross:  Because they are doing the Lawd’s work…
Justin and the Salty Dogs: Because they are salty.
Brian Bergeron: Because he’s Mr. Nice.
Big Wilson River: Because Don Ryan told you to.
The Raindoggs: Because you love Tom Waits and you love Snoop Dogg, and you never thought to put them together.
Francis Bowie:  Because you are intelligent and you love pop music.
The Shake: Because maybe a win will convince them to get back together.
Vinyl Thief: Because they have vinyl in their name.
Wolf and Cub: Because they come from “down under” and probably have those cool accents.
FallsStart: Because they originated in Hawaii, and you’ve always wanted to go there.
Dean Fields: Because you want to help assuage my guilt for leaving him off the June Band of the Month Poll.

That’s it: Go Vote!

Featured Artists (July) – Did you know?

Did you know….

…that sometimes, I obsess over whether a particular band or artist is “too famous” to be a Featured Artist?  (As if! I know, I know Radiohead and Black Keys etc. are dying to be named Featured Artists on Ear to the Ground!)

…that the listed order of the Featured Artists is completely arbitrary!

…that Featured Artists Lawrence Welks and Our Bear to Cross will soon be releasing some music on Moscow, Russia based Singapore Sling Tapes? It’s called Binary Execute Now and here’s the band’s description of what to expect.

Lawrence Welks goes beyond the iron curtain, releasing B.E.N. with comrades in Moscow.  How fitting for an album focused on 9/11, computers, nuclear fall-out, the illuminati, the apocalypse, and mostly with palindromes.  We’re so pumped and here’s a picture that shows it!

…that Featured Artist Brian Bergeron has a new band called Mr. Kind, and that they are in the running for Band of the Month on the SF edition of Deli Magazine?  You can vote here for Mr. Kind – the poll is on the right sidebar.

…that Featured Artists Justin and the Salty Dogs are from Chicago? And that Chicago apparently has some connection to the Blues? Who knew?

…that Featured Artists Big Wilson River have a quote from Ear to the Ground favorite Don Ryan on their Facebook page?  And that the said quote contains contains the word f**k? Surprising coming from Don Ryan? You bet… 😉

…that Featured Artists The Raindoggs have a new lead singer.  Kassy Key will be joining the band on an upcoming tour.  Can you say Nashville please?  They also have an awesome podcast that you can download from Itunes.

Tuesday Morning Music Shuffle – Cement Mixer Mix

“Music hath charms, they say, but in some people’s hands it becomes a savage beast.” – Joe Jackson
Over 30 songs were added to the mix last night which brings our February final tally to over 100.  We shuffled up all those February adds and this is what came out.
We begin our musical journey in Bristol, UK with the Indie, Shoegaze, Noisepop band The Fauns who were once a Band of the Week here at Ear to the Ground.  Today, we have the Mastermind Mix of the song Cool Stuff. The lush original version can be found on the band’s self-titled album:
 <——The Fauns by The Fauns get your #shoegaze on at Amazon.com

Tim Horn Prayer are an Indie/Folk/Punk/Bluegrass band from Denver, Colorado. Crime Scene Cleanup Team is a rollicking, dark little number from the band’s 2010 album Get Busy Dying.

<——-Get Busy Dying by Tim Horn Prayer at Amazon.com

Justin and the Salty Dogs come from Chicago and their Yodel heavy song Postman Blues is next up on today’s shuffle:

  http://cache.reverbnation.com/widgets/swf/40/pro_widget.swf?id=artist_1375028&posted_by=&skin_id=PWAS1005&background_color=EEEEEE&border_color=000000&auto_play=false&shuffle=false&song_ids=7569830<——Use the ReverbNation widget to check out Postman Blues

Finally, we have Long Beach via San Diego band Delta Spirit singing about the French Quarter of New Orleans in a song from the band’s 2006 EP, I Think I Found It.

ComScore <—Pre-order the Self-Titled Album by Delta Spirit at Amazon.com due March 12.

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